
Nakise-GIZ Cohort 4 Offline Program

| August 30, 2019

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We just concluded 4th Nakise offline cohort in partnership with Nigerian-German for Jobs, Migration and re-integration.

Austine Onoja, one of our participants, is a recent graduate who is enthusiastic and eager to start up a career in engineering. Austine joined the program with little knowledge on using work tools for business and workplace efficiency.

During the class, he expressed his excitement and admiration at the properly composed curriculum and how the trainers took time to teach and explain topics duly. He said; “I have been to so many training, this is exceptional as I have gotten a lot that will help my career.”

Austine and 24 others have been trained on career and entrepreneurship skills; they all jointly agree that the Nakise program has elevated them to be rightly positioned for growth and expertise in their various careers.

At the end of the training program, all the participants were able to demonstrate what they’ve learned by building a business proposal and writing an action plan for their career path. They also showed their presentation skills, use of excel, and basic digital marketing tools.

The NAKISE program is an initiative that is built to foster employability, entrepreneurship, and enable workplace efficiency; the 4th offline cohort ran for five days from 5th August through 9th August 2019 at the GIZ center.